The following is a diverse list of articles and stories that I hope you will find enjoyable or intriguing.
- Great-Grant Granny and James Bond — My great-great grandmother was a famous ghost in Scotland until Sir Fitzroy MacLean (the close friend of Ian Fleming and the role model for James Bond) showed her a better way. A version of this article was aired on National Public Radio. Click here to read the commentary.
- The Pleasant Company’s Felicity Merriman — The Pleasant Company’s American Girl doll isnot my idea of a worthwhile gift for my daughter. When the catalog came in the mail, I was immediately moved to capture my horrors in writing and sent the vignette toThe Washington Post. They chose not to publish it (for the obvious reasons) but commissioned me to do a full-page “straight” story covering Felicity’s coming-out party.
- Click here to see the “straight” story in the Washington Post.
Abigail Trafford’s article in The Washington Post— One of Abigail Trafford’s weekly series on dramatic life changes featured my switch from corporate training to ministry. That article is no longer on line, but it was reprinted on the Global Action on Aging website. Please note that the photo with the RV is a goof. I should also note that the $8,000 compensation figure is misleading, in that ministers can decide what portion goes into housing, cash, annuities, and retirement.
- Click here to see the “straight” story in the Washington Post.
- Local Martial Arts Mom Stems Aging with TKD— The story of my first Tae Kwon Do tournament. I was 39; she was 21; it was ugly; I was proud. Click here to read page 1. Click here to read page 2. Click here to read page 3.
- Greenhouse Revisited — This article in Public Power in 1990 was a comprehensive examination of the scientific studies and challenges of global warming. Intended for local utility managers who were uninformed or skeptical about the subject, I was asked to present both sides of the research. In the 18 years since the article was written, it is clear that the issue has only become more serious. Click here to read the article.